Witold Wachowiak

Pokój:1.03 F
Tel:+48 61 829 5747

Zainteresowania naukowe

  • Genetyczne podstawy zmienności cech fenotypowych i lokalnej adaptacji
  • Zmienność genetyczna i specjacja roślin
  • Adaptacja i hybrydyzacja w strefach kontaktu spokrewnionych taksonów
  • Wykorzystanie markerów genetycznych w hodowli i selekcja genomowa drzew leśnych
  • Opracowanie nowych zasobów genomowych i markerów genetycznych
  • Taksonomia molekularna

Krótkie CV

W swoich badaniach wykorzystuję metody molekularne w analizach procesów warunkujących rozmieszczenie i zmienność genetyczną populacji roślin, szczególnie drzew leśnych. Zagadnieniom z zakresu genetyki populacyjnej, ekologii molekularnej i genomiki poświęcona jest również moja aktywność dydaktyczna, którą cenię na równi z możliwością realizacji pomysłów badawczych. Swoje doświadczenie naukowe i dydaktyczne budowałem w dużej mierze na współpracy zagranicznej, pracując po doktoracie przez ponad dziesięć lat w ośrodkach naukowych na University of Oulu w Finlandii i Centre for Ecology and Hydrology w Wielkiej Brytanii. Swoje badania finansowałem z kilku projektów EU oraz National Environment Research Council, UK. Uczestniczyłem również w kilkunastu projektach finansowanych ze źródeł krajowych, w tym kierowałem 6 projektami z Narodowego Centrum Nauki. Pełniłem funkcje członka redakcji kilku czasopism naukowych, członka zespołu ekspertów NCN oraz recenzenta w programach EU oraz National Science Foundation, USA.

Doświadczenie naukowe

  • Wielka Brytania, Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, Edynburg. Pracownik naukowy (2009–2014)
  • Finlandia, University of Oulu, Department of Biology. Post-Doc (2004 –2007)
  • Niemcy, Institute of Forest Genetics in Grosshansdorf. Stypendysta (2000- 2001)


  • Genomika populacyjna
  • Genetyka konserwatorska
  • Genetyka ewolucyjna i populacyjna
  • Ekologia Molekularna
  • Biotechnologia roślin drzewiastych
  • Technologie molekularne w ochronie przyrody
  • Population genomics
  • Molecular Ecology



  • Wachowiak W., Żukowska W.B., Lewandowiski A., , Perry A., Cavers S., Łabiszak B. (2023) Phylogeography of Scots pine in Europe and Asia based on mtDNA polymorphisms. Journal of Systematics and Evolution, 61(2), 315–327
  • Łabiszak B., Wachowiak W. (2023), Mid-Pleistocene events influenced the current spatial structure of genetic diversity in Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.). Journal of Systematics and Evolution, https://doi.org/10.1111/jse.13013


  • Kastally,C., Niskanen, A.K., Perry, A., Kujala, S.T., Avia, K., Cervantes, S., Haapanen, M., Kesälahti, R., Kumpula, T.A., Mattila, T.M., Ojeda, D.I., Tyrmi, J.S., Wachowiak, W., Cavers, S., Kärkkäinen, K., Savolainen, O. and Pyhäjärvi, T. (2022), Taming the massive genome of Scots pine with PiSy50k, a new genotyping array for conifer research. Plant J. https://doi.org/10.1111/tpj.15628
  •  Perry, A., Wachowiak, W., Beaton, J., Iason, G., Cottrell, J., & Cavers, S. (2022). Identifying and testing marker–trait associations for growth and phenology in three pine species: Implications for genomic prediction. Evolutionary Applications, doi.org/10.1111/eva.13345


  • Łabiszak B., Wachowiak W. (2021) Molecular signatures of reticulate evolution within the complex of European pine taxa. Forests, 12, 489, doi:10.3390/f12040489 [PDF]
  • Boratyńska K., Gołąb Z., Łabiszak B., Niemczyk W., Sobierajska KI, Ufnalski K., Wachowiak W., Boratyński A. (2021)   Are There Any Traces of Pinus uliginosa in the Stołowe Mountains Outside the Wielkie Torfowisko Batorowskie and Błędne Skały? Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae, Article ID: 904, DOI: 10.5586/asbp.904 [PDF]
  • Zaborowska J., Łabiszak B., Perry A., Cavers S., Wachowiak W. (2021) Candidate Genes for the High-Altitude Adaptations of Two Mountain Pine Taxa. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 22 (7): 3477 DOI: 10.3390/ijms22073477 [PDF]
  • Wójkiewicz B., Lewandowski A., Żukowska W.B., Litkowiec M., Wachowiak W.  (2021) Low effective population size and high spatial genetic structure of black poplar populations from the Oder valley in Poland. Annals of Forest Science 78, 37 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s13595-021-01055-2 [PDF]
  • Hebda A., Kempf M., Wachowiak W., Pluciński B., Kauzal P., Zwijacz-Kozica T. (2021) Hybridization and introgression of native and foreign Sorbus tree species in unique environments of protected mountainous areas. AoB PLANTS, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1093/aobpla/plaa070 [PDF]
  • Łabiszak B., Zaborowska J., Wójkiewicz B., Wachowiak W. (2021) Molecular and paleo‐climatic data uncover impact of ancient bottleneck on demographic history and contemporary genetic structure of endangered Pinus uliginosa. Journal of Systematics and Evolution, 59 (3): 596-610. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1111/jse.12573
  • Wachowiak W., Pluciński B., Kauzal P., Zwijacz-Kozica T. (2021) Hybridization and introgression of native and foreign Sorbus tree species in unique environments of protected mountainous areas. AoB PLANTS, DOI: https:/doi.org/10.1093/aobpla/plaa070 [PDF]


  • Sobierajska K., Wachowiak W., Zaborowska J., Łabiszak B., Wójkiewicz B., Sękiewicz M., Jasińska A.K., Sękiewicz K., Boratyńska K.,  Marcysiak K., Boratyński A. (2020) Genetic Consequences of Hybridization in Relict Isolated Trees Pinus sylvestris and the Pinus mugo Complex. Forests,11, 1086. DOI: https:/doi.org/10.3390/f11101086 [PDF]
  • Perry A., Wachowiak W., Downing A., Talbot R., Cavers S. (2020) Development of a SNP array for population genomic studies in four European pine species. Molecular Ecology Resources, DOI: https:/doi.org/10.1111/1755-0998.13223 [PDF]


  • Łabiszak B., Zaborowska J., Wójkiewicz B., Wachowiak W. (2019) Molecular and paleo‐climatic data uncover impact of ancient bottleneck on demographic history and contemporary genetic structure of endangered Pinus uliginosa. Journal of Systematics and Evolution, DOI: https:/doi.org/10.1111/jse.12573
  • Wójkiewicz B., Wachowiak W., Lewandowski A., Żukowska W. (2019) The genetic assessment of the natural regeneration capacities of black poplar populations in the modern river valley landscapes. Forest Ecology and Management, 448, 150-159 [PDF]
  • Hebda A., Wachowiak W. (2019) Heterogeneous patterns of genetic variation at nuclear genes and quantitative traits in Scots pine provenance trial. Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae, 88, 2 DOI: https:/doi.org/10.5586/asbp.3623
  • Zaborowska J., Łabiszak B., Wachowiak W. (2019) Population history of European mountain pines Pinus mugo and Pinus uncinata revealed by mitochondrial DNA markers. Journal of Systematics and Evolution, DOI: https:/doi.org/10.1111/jse.12520
  • Łabiszak B., Zaborowska J., Wachowiak W. (2019) Patterns of mtDNA variation reveal complex evolutionary history of relict and endangered peat bog pine (Pinus uliginosa). AoB Plants, 11(2): plz015. [PDF]


  • Wachowiak W,. Zaborowska J., Łabiszak B., Perry A., Zucca GM., González-Martínez SC., Cavers S. (2018) Molecular signatures of divergence and selection in closely related pine taxa. Tree Genetics & Genomes, 14:83 [PDF]
  • Wachowiak W., Perry A., Donnelly K., Cavers S. (2018) Early phenology and growth trait variation in closely related European pine species. Ecology and Evolution, 8(1): 655–666 [PDF]
  • Litkowiec M., Lewandowski A., Wachowiak W. (2018) Genetic variation in Taxus baccata L.: a case study supporting Poland’s protection and restoration program. Forest Ecology and Management, 409: 148-160 [PDF]


  • González-Díaz P., Jump A.S., Perry A., Wachowiak W., Lapshina E., Cavers S. (2017) Ecology and management history drive spatial genetic structure in Scots pine. Forest Ecology and Management, 400: 68-76 [PDF]
  • Hebda AM., Wójkiewicz B., Wachowiak W. (2017) Genetic characteristics of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) in Poland and reference populations based on nuclear and chloroplast microsatellite loci markers. Silva Fennica, 51(2) article id 172; doi:10.14214/sf.1721 [PDF]
  • Żukowska WB., Wachowiak W. (2017). Nuclear microsatellite markers reveal the low genetic structure of Pinus mugo Turra (dwarf mountain pine) populations in Europe. Plant Systematics and Evolution, 303:641–651 [PDF]
  • Hebda AM., Wachowiak W., Skrzyszewski J. (2017) Long-term growth performance and productivity of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) populations. Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae, 86(1):3521 [PDF]
  • Hebda A., Skrzyszewski J., Wachowiak W. (2017) Zróżnicowanie fenotypowe i zmienność tła genetycznego polskich proweniencji sosny zwyczajnej [Phenotypic differentiation and genetic background variation of Polish provenances of Pinus sylvestris L.]. Sylwan 161(4): 277-286 [PDF]
  • Donnelly K., Cottrell J., Ennos RA., Vendramin GG., A’Hara S., King S. Perry A., Wachowiak W., Cavers S. (2017). Reconstructing the plant mitochondrial genome for marker discovery: a case study using Pinus. Molecular Ecology Resources, DOI: 10.1111/1755-0998.12646 [PDF]
  • Żukowska WB., Wójkiewicz B., Litkowiec M., Wachowiak W. (2017). Cross-amplification and multiplexing of cpSSRs and nSSRs in two closely related pine species (Pinus sylvestris L. and P. mugo Turra). Dendrobiology 77:59-64 [PDF]
  • Żukowska BW., Boratyńska K., Wachowiak W. (2017).Comparison of range-wide chloroplast microsatellite and needle trait variation patterns in Pinus mugo Turra (dwarf mountain pine). iForest – Biogeosciences and Forestry, 10: 250-258 [PDF]


  • Wójkiewicz B., Litkowiec M., Wachowiak W (2016) Contrasting patterns of genetic variation in core and peripheral populations of highly outcrossing and wind pollinated forest tree species. AoB Plants, doi: 10.1093/aobpla/plw054 [PDF]
  • Wachowiak W., Żukowska WB., Wójkiewicz B., Cavers S., Litkowiec M. (2016) Hybridization in contact zone between temperate European pine species. Tree Genetics & Genomes, DOI: 10.1007/s11295-016-1007-x [PDF]
  • Wójkiewicz B., Cavers S., Wachowiak W. (2016) Current Approaches and Perspectives in Population Genetics of Scots Pine (Pinus sylvestris L.). Forest Science, 62(3): 343-354 [PDF]
  • Perry A., Wachowiak W., Brown AW., Ennos RA, Cottrell JE, Cavers S (2016) Substantial heritable variation for susceptibility to Dothistroma septosporum within populations of native British Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris). Plant Pathology, DOI: 10.1111/ppa.12528 [PDF]
  • Wójkiewicz B., Wachowiak W. (2016) Substructuring of Scots pine in Europe based on polymorphism at chloroplast microsatellite loci. Flora 220: 142–149 [PDF]
  • Żukowska BW., Wachowiak W. (2016). Utility of closely related taxa for genetic studies of adaptive variation and speciation: Current state and perspectives in plants with focus on forest tree species. Journal of  Systematics and Evolution, 54(1): 17-28 [PDF]
  • Wachowiak W., Cavers S., Żukowska W. (2015). Interspecific gene flow and ecological selection in a pine (Pinus sp.) contact zone. Plant Systematics and Evolution 301: 1643-1652.[PDF]
  • Wachowiak, W., Trivedi, U., Perry, A., Cavers, S. (2015). Comparative transcriptomics of a complex of four European pine species. BMC Genomics 16: 234. [PDF]
  • Wachowiak W. (2015). Genetic relationships between Polish and reference populations of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) in Europe based on nucleotide polymorphism study at nuclear loci. Sylwan 159: 53-61 [PDF]
  • Wachowiak W., Wόjkiewicz B., Cavers S., Lewandowski A. (2014). High genetic similarity between Polish and North European Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) populations at nuclear gene loci. Tree Genetics & Genomes 10(4): 1015-1025. [PDF]
  • Wojnicka-Półtorak A., Wachowiak W., Prus-Głowacki W., Celinski K., Korczyk A. (2014) Genetic heterogeneity in age classes of naturally regenerated old growth forest of Picea abies (L.) Karst. Silvae Genetica 63: 185-190. [PDF]
  • Boratynski A., Wachowiak W., Dering M., Boratynska K., Sekiewicz K., et al. (2014). The biogeography and genetic relationships of Juniperus oxycedrus and related taxa from the Mediterranean and Macaronesian regions. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 174: 637-653. [PDF]
  • Wachowiak W., Boratyńska K., Cavers S. (2013). Geographical patterns of nucleotide diversity and population differentiation in three closely related European pine species in the Pinus mugo complex. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 172: 225-238. [PDF]
  • Wachowiak W., Iason GR., Cavers S. (2013). Among population differentiation at nuclear genes in native Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) in Scotland. Flora – Morphology, Distribution, Functional Ecology of Plants 208: 79-86. [PDF]
  • Wachowiak W., Palmé A.E., Savolainen O. (2011). Speciation history of three closely related pines Pinus mugo (T.), P. uliginosa (N.) and P. sylvestris (L.). Molecular Ecology 20: 1729–1743. [PDF]
  • Wachowiak W., Salmela M.J., Ennos R.E., Iason G., Cavers S. (2011). High genetic diversity at the extreme range edge: nucleotide variation at nuclear loci in Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) in Scotland. Heredity 106: 775–787. [PDF]
  • Salmela, M. J., Cavers, S., Wachowiak, W., Cottrell, J. E., Iason, G. R. & Ennos, R. A. (2010). Understanding the evolution of native pinewoods in Scotland will benefit their future management and conservation. Forestry 88(5): 535-545. [PDF]
  • Jasińska A.K., Wachowiak W., Muchewicz E., Boratyńska K., Montserrat J.M., Boratyński A. (2010). Cryptic hybrids between Pinus uncinata and P. sylvestris. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 163: 473-485. [PDF]
  • Palmé A.E., Pyhäjärvi T., Wachowiak W., Savolainen O. (2009). Selection on Nuclear Genes in a Pinus Phylogeny. Molecular Biology and Evolution 26(4): 893-905. [PDF]
  • Wachowiak W., Prus-Głowacki W. (2009). Different patterns of genetic structure of relict and isolated populations of endangered peat-bog pine P. uliginosa Neumann. Journal of Applied Genetics  50(4): 329–339. [PDF]
  • Wachowiak W., Balk P.A., Savolainen O. (2009). Search for nucleotide diversity patterns of local adaptation in dehydrins and other cold-related candidate genes in Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.). Tree Genetics & Genomes 5: 117-132. [PDF]
  • Wachowiak W., Prus-Głowacki W. (2008). Hybridization processes in sympatric populations of pines Pinus sylvestris L., P. mugo and P. uliginosa. Plant Systematics and Evolution 271 (1/2): 29-40. [PDF]
  • Pyhäjärvi T., García-Gil M.R., Knürr T., Mikkonen M., Wachowiak W., Savolainen O.  (2007). Demographic history has influenced nucleotide diversity in European Pinus sylvestris populations. Genetics 177: 1713-1724. [PDF]
  • Wachowiak W., Bączkiewicz A., Chudzińska E., Buczkowska K. (2007). Cryptic speciation in  bryophytes – a case study in the Aneura pinguis complex. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 155: 273–282. [PDF]
  • Wachowiak W., Odrzykoski I., Myczko Ł., Prus-Głowacki W. (2006). Lack of evidence on hybrid swarm in the sympatric population of Pinus mugo and P. sylvestris. Flora 4: 307-316. [PDF]
  • Wachowiak W., Stephan B.R., Schulze I., Prus-Głowacki W., Ziegenhagen B. (2006). A critical evaluation of reproductive barriers between closely related species using DNA markers – a case study in Pinus. Plant Systematics and Evolution 257: 1-8. [PDF]
  • Buczkowska K., Adamczak M., Chudzińska E., Wachowiak W., Bączkiewicz A. (2006). In vitro propagation of cryptic species of Aneura pinguis (Hepaticae, Metzgeriales). Cryptogamie Bryologie  27(2): 241-251. [PDF]
  • Bączkiewicz A., Buczkowska K., Wachowiak W. (2005). Anatomical and morphological variability of needles of Pinus mugo Turra on different substrata in the Tatra Mountains. Biological Letters 42: 21-32 [PDF]
  • Lewandowski A., Burczyk J., Wachowiak W., Boratyński A., Prus-Głowacki W. (2005). Genetic evaluation of seeds of highly endangered Pinus uliginosa Neumann from Wegliniec reserve for ex-situ conservation program. Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae 74 (3): 237-242 [PDF]
  • Wachowiak W., Celiński K., Prus-Głowacki W. (2005). Evidence of natural reciprocal hybridisation between Pinus uliginosa and P. sylvestris in the sympatric population of the species. Flora 200: 563-568. [PDF]
  • Adamczak M., Buczkowska K., Baczkiewicz A., Wachowiak W. (2005). Comparison of   allozyme variability in Polish populations of two species of Ptilidium Nees (Hepaticae) with   contrasting degrees of sexual reproduction. Cryptogamie Bryologie 26 (2): 151-165. [PDF]
  • Wachowiak W., Lewandowski A., Prus-Głowacki W. (2005). Reciprocal controlled crosses between Pinus sylvestris and P. mugo verified by a species-specific cpDNA marker. Journal of Applied  Genetics 46 (1): 41 – 43. [PDF]
  • Wachowiak W., Bączkiewicz A., Celiński K., Prus-Głowacki W. (2004). Species-specific chloroplast DNA polymorphism in the trnV-rbcL region in Pinus sylvestris and P. mugo. Dendrobiology 51: 67-72. [PDF]
  • Wachowiak W, Leśniewicz K, Odrzykoski I, Augustyniak H, Prus-Głowacki W (2000) Species specific cpDNA markers useful for studies on the hybridization between Pinus mugo and P. sylvestris. Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae 69: 273-276. [PDF]